Info-Atari16 Digest Fri, 31 Jan 92 Volume 92 : Issue 59 Today's Topics: atari.archive Atari MGR utilities FTP for PD software Help sought - G++ too slow! Is STart magazine utterly dead? low-level formatter wanted Mint 0.92 problems OctaMed for the ST? Output to printer on parallel port question SM124 Monitor Problem ST's memory architecture (2 msgs) STOS 3D TEX printer problems Thomas Quester's e-mail address (2 msgs) uuencode & uudecode (2 msgs) Welcome to the Info-Atari16 Digest. The configuration for the automatic cross-posting to/from Usenet is getting closer, but still getting thrashed out. Please send notifications about broken digests or bogus messages to Info-Atari16-Request@NAUCSE.CSE.NAU.EDU. Please send requests for un/subscription and other administrivia to Info-Atari16-Request, *NOT* Info-Atari16. Requests that go to the list instead of the moderators are likely to be lost or ignored. If you want to unsubscribe, and you're receiving the digest indirectly from someplace (usually a BITNET host) that redistributes it, please contact the redistributor, not us. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 31 Jan 92 14:27:52 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!!!jvnc.n et!!!zam103!djukfa11! (Konrad Hinsen) Subject: atari.archive To: This morning I tried to upload something (to be precise, a Fortran-to-C compiler) to, but without success. It turned out that I didn't have a permission to put a file directly into a suitable subdirectory, which I fully understand. But I couldn't find a special upload directory either, or any instructions on how to proceed. Has anyone succeded (probably, after all there are already lots of files...)? Konrad Hinsen ( ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 14:01:00 GMT From: ncrcom!ncrlnk!ncrwat!pinot! (Chris Herborth) Subject: Atari MGR utilities To: I've just started playing with MGR again (Bammi's updated binary of the windowing system that runs under MiNT), and was wondering what sort of utilities you (other MGR users) use with it? Can you tell me a good place to get binaries/icons/fonts? Unfortunately, I haven't got what it takes to compile MGR sources... Any hints or tips would be appreciated, too... Or a man page for MGR... -- ----------======================= _ /\ ===========================---------- Chris Herborth \`o.0' herborth@pinot.Waterloo.NCR.COM Information Products Co-Op =(___)= NCR E&M Waterloo U Your cash: "Bob"'s favourite snack. ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 13:54:41 GMT From:!actrix! (Roger Sheppard) Subject: FTP for PD software To: In article writes: > In <>, writes: > > In article <>, (Jane Fothergill) writes: > > >Which FTP sites have PD available for the Atari ST???? > > The best ftp sites for the atari st are (in my opinion): > > > > > > > > > > Of course, I hope those site names are correct, I typed them from memory... > > > > Happy ftp'ing! > > Marinos Yannikos > > TU Wien > > I'd like to add > ( > - just advertising :-) > * /dev/ Markus Wenzel, University of Stuttgart * > * /usr/spool/mail/ / * > * /bin/ps -l TT admin on * > * /irc/nick Marsu * > * /etc/motd >> Luck is believing you're lucky. << * Can you tell me, is this the same as or is this just a missprint.. -- *** Roger W. Sheppard * *** *** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 *** *** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, *** *** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe *** ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 11:43:54 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!cf-cm! (Andrew F Stratton) Subject: Help sought - G++ too slow! To: I am presently running G++ from gulam and Neodesk 3 on a 2.5 Mbyte ST with 20 Mbyte hard disk. To compile a 'cout << "Hello world\n";' program takes 1 minute 19 seconds. How can I speed this up (I have TOS 1.4, and have set fast load bits, I also use CACHE90 - though I don't know if it does anything, and I have 400 K RAM disk). I run from within Neodesk 3 without unloading, and memory is close to the limit. I may consider hardware purchases - such as memory, a faster hard disk (I presently have Supra hard disk, put together by myself). I doubt if an accelerator would make much difference - or would cost too much! Thanks in advance, Andy.Stratton. -- Parallel Processing Support Officer University of Wales College of Cardiff ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 06:42:57 GMT From: ossi!bdt! (David Beckemeyer) Subject: Is STart magazine utterly dead? To: In article <> writes: >In article <> (Gerardo >Cisneros) writes: >> Does anybody know if STart magazine is definitely dead? >Yes, they're deader than a doornail. > >Thanks for nothing, you &%$%*&%'s! For those of you that have a beef with Antic, they must exist in some form or another because they are willing to ACCEPT money. The following firm claims to be representing Antic Publishing: Law Offices Of Forest D. Hill 11965 Venice Blvd. Suite 405 Los Angeles, CA 90066 (213) 397-3212 FAX (213) 397-6053 Contact: Frank Reiche Good luck. -- David Beckemeyer ( | P.O. Box 21575, Oakland, CA 94620 Beckemeyer Development | UUCP: uunet!ossi!bdt!david ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 15:04:21 GMT From: mcsun!!!! (Antti Jarvinen) Subject: low-level formatter wanted To: I have a SH205 hard-drive controller with Seagate ST251 drive. I attached the Seagate to my *nix-box (Convergent miniframe) and initialized it in order to make it work with my *nix and yes, it worked fine, but Atari ST with SH205 cannot handle the disk any more. I tried to format it with HDX3.02 and I got a couple of bombs. I guess that Convergent low-level formatted the disk in a way that ST doesn't understand. What I now need is a low-level hard-disk formatter for ST/TOS. Where can I find one? -- Antti Jaervinen ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 14:26:46 GMT From: ncrcom!ncrlnk!ncrwat!pinot! (Chris Herborth) Subject: Mint 0.92 problems To: In article (Oliver Bonten) writes: }3. Tcsh doesn't know the pwd-command. This one should be internal, I sup- } pose. A quick work-around for this annoying "feature" is to put: alias pwd "echo $cwd" in your tcsh.rc... -- ----------======================= _ /\ ===========================---------- Chris Herborth \`o.0' herborth@pinot.Waterloo.NCR.COM Information Products Co-Op =(___)= NCR E&M Waterloo U Your cash: "Bob"'s favourite snack. ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 15:29:22 GMT From: mcsun!ieunet!tcdcs!! (Robert Walsh) Subject: OctaMed for the ST? To: Is OctaMed available for the ST (I mean ordinary, run-of-the-mill STfm's as well as STe's)? Also, does anyone know where I can get the sources for a noisetracker player? The one I got from Terminator seemed to be for STe's only. Anyone have the source for an ordinary ST? -- 8888 ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 16:17:46 GMT From: noao!ncar!!usc!!convex!!spssig.sps! (Bob Hays) Subject: Output to printer on parallel port question To: I'm writing yet another disk labeller using GEM for my 1091i printer. I'll post the code when I'm done, although I don't really expect many folks to play with it. However, I have a problem. I cannot get the BIOS or GEMDOS routines to talk to the printer properly. I am loosing info either because the buffer is overflowing or because the BIOS/GEMDOS is not sending binary (non-printing) characters to the printer. If I put enough sleeps into the code, it works, leading me to believe the overflow scenario. How should one output to the parallel port to such a printer? I am using Sozobon C 1.33i. I'm exiting out to Gulam shell to execute the GEM program (could that be reseting things badly for me?). Have fun and an early thank you! - Bob -- ================================================================================ The opinions expressed above are those of the author and not SPSS, Inc. Phone: (312) 329-3529 | "There is no dark side of the Bob Hays Fax: (312) 329-3657 | moon really ...." - Pink Floyd ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 06:12:23 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!!ogicse!unmvax!! (Eric Hobbs) Subject: SM124 Monitor Problem To: In article <> au036@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Chris Burgess) writes: > >I am having a problem with a SM124 (Goldstar) monitor. When the screen is >mostly black, the white portions of the screen are very dim, and as more >white is displayed the white return to normal brightness. > >Has anybody seen this problem before? Is there somthing I need to tweak >on the monitor? > >Chris Burgess I have this problem also. I've posted questions about it a long time ago, and I'm not sure if I ever got a response. Anybody?? ---------- Eric A. Hobbs ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 14:04:44 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!!!magnus.acs!!!ysub!psuvm!frmop11!dearn!dmswwu 1c! Subject: ST's memory architecture To: In article <>, (Carter Gregory) says: > >Well, for those of you who DID run, MS Word 5.0, you probably already >have had this feeling for sometime now that the ST is for the first time, >unable to use MultiFinder effectively with 4 megabytes of memory. Well. Simply buy a memory expansion board. You can go up to 12 megabytes and more on a standard ST. > >I seriously believe, in my opinion, that the only thing that has kept the >ST machine alive, has been the Spectre GCR. > That might be true for you -- and I really like the things Dave Small makes -- but it is certainly not true for Germany. >Now, to do anything serious with your machine, you can't use MultiFinder >at all with PM 4.0, MS Word 5.0, and Super Paint loaded under multi-finder. >They simply won't fit anymore. > >If this doesn't put a nail in the ST architecture I don't know what will. Hm. Where is the difference compared to a standard Mac or a Mac Plus? Please explain. > >Add to this fact that System 7 is right around the corner. I think System >7 on a 4 Meg machine is quite ludicrous with the current upgrades Mac >software are expected to acquire during the time we actually get System >7.0 compatibility. > >Quite plainly boys and girls, if and when you do get System 7 running your >going to cry uncontrollably as you find all your favorite software unable >to run concurrently, for lack of space. > >For those of you who own TT's, I quite frankly hate you. I think your problem is not Atari, but Apple. THEY made this memory consuming operating system :-) ___________________________ cut here _____________________________________ Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241 fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: (++49 251 77216) ____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________ ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 17:12:45 GMT From: noao!ncar!!!!doug.cae.wisc.e du! (Carter Gregory) Subject: ST's memory architecture To: Organisation: Westfaelische Wilhelms-Universitaet, Muenster, Germany ___________________________ cut here _____________________________________ Julian F. Reschke, Hensenstr. 142, D-4400 Muenster, Phone: ++49 251 861241 fast eMail: ONM07@DMSWWU1A.BITNET, slow: (++49 251 77216) ____________________ correct me if I'm wrong _____________________________ Writes: Well. Simply buy a memory expansion board. You can go up to 12 megabytes and more on a standard ST. I reply: Oh yeah, don't forget, I am a US person. My market sucks pretty bad over here.... Unless someone would point out who in the USA is selling 12 MEG ST Memory expansion add ons.... Which are also supported by Mr. Small... I would be more than happy to try one out. Greggy Poo. ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 15:33:18 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!icdoc! (Alan David Messer) Subject: STOS 3D To: In article <> (Roger Sheppard) writes: >In article <> (Bruce Lamond) writes: >> Does anyone know if Mandarin have released, or are going to release, >> STOS 3D? I have been eagerly awaiting it since I got STOS a couple of >> years ago, and plans for it were mentioned then. I have recently seen >> AMOS 3D in the shops, so I thought it might be on the way. >> >> Thanks > >From what I have read, I don't think so, the Author has gone over to >the Amiga.. >-- For what I've read and seen,STOS 3D has just come out for the STin the UK.It is also true that the author of STOS has gone over to AMOS for the time being,but only (from what I hear) to do the AMOS compiler and other add-ons currently available for the ST >*** Roger W. Sheppard * *** >*** 85 Donovan Rd * * GEnie. R.SHEPPARD5 *** >*** Kapiti At least I don't Flicker, *** >*** New Zealand.. * not like a dying light globe *** Alan. -- +----------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Alan Messer. | Janet: | | Dept. of Computing, | Internet: | | Imperial College, | BITNET: | ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 09:19:41 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!qmw-dcs!icdoc!sot-ecs! (Halls DA) Subject: TEX printer problems To: In <1992Jan27.143514.28656@city.cs> (KEATES M G) writes: >I have successfully set up CS-TEX to allow me to run a basic TeX and >LaTeX setup on a 1 Meg 1040 STE, with 2 floppy drives (one can be >used if your prepared to swop disks alot), which allows me to >edit, process, view and print documents. I takes just 4 disks. >One for the TeX bins, one for the fonts and inputs, plus one each >for the viewer and printer driver. >(If your wishing to set up a similar system, mail me and I'll >tell you what you'll need, if there's enough interest, I'll put >together an article explaining things) >My problem lies in the 24-pin printer driver. I have a b/w Star LC24-200 >and I use the Epson option in the driver, as suggested in the Star manual. >Occasionally (randomly) in the output, lines get skewed. Does anyone else >have this annoying problem? Is it due to the Epson emulation? Can I get a >true Star driver, or is the problem simply due to the resolution of the >output? (I highly doubt this, but thought I'd mention it.) I have _exactly_ the same problem. I did cure it by using the -z option which "cures problems with some printers". However, be warned!! I had a different problem 9 pages further on - the head would do the second pass on the next line so the same line appeared twice, in light type. I tried the drivers with the 24pin1/2.lzh packages at atari.archive but couldn't get them to work. I only use my star (24-200) in the holidays, and haven't tried this, but what does the 9-pin driver at 360dpi do? I suspect this is unsatisfactory. This is a _very_ annoying problem. The only solution (aside from someone writing another driver, I suspect) is to download ghostscript, use dvi2ps to convert your document into postscript and then use ghostscript's 24pin driver to print the mess out. Pretty cumbersome (although it does work, on my system at least)! Does anyone associated with cs-tex know about this bug? I believe a new version is in development? David. ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 09:08:53 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!qmw-dcs!icdoc!sot-ecs! (Halls DA) Subject: Thomas Quester's e-mail address To: I need to get on touch with Thomas Quester (the author of AFX/PFX pak and lharc on the ST). I registered for AFX/PFX and want to confirm he got what I sent off. I have tried: and the above combinations but with exhh as the address Does anyone know his _real_ e-mail address. Better still, Thomas, are you out there?(!) Thanks. david halls 2nd year computer science undergraduate southampton university england ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 12:43:52 GMT From: mcsun!uknet!qmw-dcs!icdoc!sot-ecs! (Halls DA) Subject: Thomas Quester's e-mail address To: In <> (Halls DA) writes: >I need to get on touch with Thomas Quester (the author of AFX/PFX pak >and lharc on the ST). I registered for AFX/PFX and want to confirm he >got what I sent off. >I have tried: > > > > and the above combinations but with exhh as the address >Does anyone know his _real_ e-mail address. Better still, Thomas, are >you out there?(!) Well, it always happens doesn't it? Like buses. Anyway, I popped back to lodgings and to see some friends and what did I find on the doormat - a package from Thomas Quester containing AFX+, PFX+, lzh, fortune etc. I haven't had time to install it yet (I had some latex fonts to do and you know how long that takes...). But it looks reaaly good - well worth registering. You get an accessory to control afx while it is in the background (even turning it off for backup purposes). I have been using the unregistered version so far and have had no problems. Mostly I have packed rsc files and latex style, inputs etc (no fonts!). Text compacts really well and no program can see that it is because afx intervenes. I did write off to Double Click 3 weeks ago and enquired with their distrbutor here in the UK about DC Data Diet. I have had no reply and the distributor does not know when Data Diet will be in the UK. So I use afx instead. Perhaps DD is better, but I haven't had the chance to find out and afx pack works well. Anyway, I would still like Thomas Quester's e-mail address so I can let him know mine. Thanks in advance and thanks to Thomas for a great program. David Halls ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 14:21:00 GMT From: noao!asuvax!!!!!fischer-michael (Michael Fischer) Subject: uuencode & uudecode To: In article <> (Daniel Eriksson) writes: > (Torsten Scherer) writes: >:[stuff deleted] >: All these files are of >: cource uuencoded. They're also split in more smaller files. When I try to >: uudecode them, I olny get the message "no end line". How do I have to >: put these fragmented files together again? >:[stuff deleted] > >Save the letters to disk first of all. Then remove all headers from the >files. Also check for garbage at the end of every file. The last >file must end with an 'end'. Use your favourite text-editor and >link all the files (in the right order) into a HUGE file. If you >do this from a command-line enironment (UNIX or some shell for Atari) >you could also use the cat-command like this: > >cat file1 file2 ... filen > HUGEfile > >Now you have a continous file that you can decode. Just run your >favourite uudecode-program on it and the file hiding inside should >show up! The uuencoded file is often about 35 percent bigger than >the original (often packed) file since what uu does is to take a >8 bit binary file and convert it into a 7 bit ASCII (?) file. > >To uuencode a file is quite easy, just make sure you read the >instructions for YOUR uu-program before starting. The uuencode >that we have here on our UNIX-machine works like this: > >uuencode original_filename new_filename > uue_filename > >The 'original_filename' is the name of the file you wish to >convert. The 'new_filename' is the name the file will get >when you later converts it back (could be useful if you >transfer files from a machine that supports more than 8+3 chars >for filenames to a TOS/DOS-filesystem). And 'uue_filename' is the >name of the uuencoded file that gets created (the file you will >transfer with Email for example). > >Hope this helps! > >Daniel Eriksson - | IRC: DDF >Uppsala University, Sweden | Fidonet: 2:205/218 (The Assembly Room) Get Dumas's "uud" and "uue" programs. They do much of the work for you of ignoring headers and assembling the pieces. They are available on atari.archive. -- ================================================== | Michael Fischer | ================================================== ------------------------------ Date: 31 Jan 92 12:59:45 GMT From: agate!!!ysub!psuvm!frmop11!dearn!dmswwu1c!zwq017@ (Bjarne Pohlers) Subject: uuencode & uudecode To: In article <> (Torsten Scherer) writes: > > After I finally managed to connect to and got >some nice programs sent, another problem occurs. All these files are of >cource uuencoded. They're also split in more smaller files. When I try to >uudecode them, I olny get the message "no end line". How do I have to >put these fragmented files together again? I'm sorry, but I don't >understand what's written in the Unxi manual. > > Thanks in advance > You need a special programm called uud. Its source is availible from (send mail to with a single line ``help'' in it for more info) -- !"$%&/);=?!-.'"[!=({\,@*%#+$['&~(/!&=]`"%$_~.|?>}`>|"/%~<$:&)*;#!;[&=#"&%$\':"[ " Bjarne Pohlers Fast address: & \ Slow address: Asbeckweg 15 | W-4400 Muenster | Germany \ & Phone number: (xx49)251-866559 " [":'\$%&"#=&[;!#;*)&:$<~%/"|>`}>?|.~_$%"`]=&!/(~&'[$+#%*@,\{(=!["'.-!?=;)/&%$"! ------------------------------ End of Info-Atari16 Digest ******************************